Welcome to the Princess Blog

These are three very busy princesses. They keep Queen Mommy and King Daddy on their toes.

Family Time

  • Disneyland!
  • Going on Vacation
  • Playing Wii
  • Eating Ice Cream
  • Hiking
  • Going to the Growers Market

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Broken Princess?

It was a lovely spring morning in Grants Pass. Half the town was out to cheer on their little athletes at kinder soccer and the princesses were no exception. T-2 was playing beautifully - scored two goals in fact.
But T-3 wanted more. She ran across another team's field toward the playground. Mommy swooped her up and carried her back Piggyback style, but T-3 would have none of that. She jumped off.
Several X-rays and a week and a half of not walking later, she is now seen wearing this season's most stylish accessory -the pink cast. She hobbles around great on it. It was even better when the guy who mows the royal lawn said to the queen, "Hey, I saw you drop your kid on Saturday." Thanks, Sir Scott. By the way, your fired.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The Queen Mum has struck again. Every year she buys the princesses their Easter and Christmas dresses. This year she and the Queen found a cute dress in three different colors. The princesses dazzled.

We went to church in the morning. The Queen sang in Sacrament meeting. Then after church we headed home to hunt for easter eggs the girls had dyed the day before. The King and Queen gave each girl a big egg filled with M&Ms and Skittles. The Princesses wanted to know why the Easter Bunny didn't come. This is the first year they've asked about him. The Queen thinks the Easter Bunny is a little creepy. Have you seen that guy with the big head and the yucky suit at the mall? Ew. He was not invited to the house. Easter turned out fine even so.

We had a nice dinner together and started a new easter dessert tradition: Cinnamon Rolls. Then we headed out to the easter devotional where the Queen had to sing again. Overall, a very nice day.

Friday, April 10, 2009

It's April!

We love April. Spring is here (technically, though not actually), Easter dresses come in the mail from Gran, and there are two birthdays! (Of course the Princesses have Diamond birthstones. What else, Dahling?) T-1 turned 9 on the 1st. Instead of having a big party with her friends, we went down to the bay area and took her to see the musical "Wicked". She's seen it twice before, but still chose it over a party. That's my girl! Sis T-2 got to come along this time since she is finally old enough. In fact, the day she turned five she said, "I can see Wicked now!" Gran and the duke (Uncle C) came with us and we had a fabulous time. Afterward we went over to the Cheesecake Factory at the top of Macy's in Union Square. Yummy.
While we were in the bay area - Gran couldn't help herself. She had a party for the the two T birthday girls at her house and invited Grandma and Grandpa over. There was cake and ice cream and presents.
T-3 turns 3 on the 13th. She is having a butterfly birthday party with a few of her little friends. She is very excited. She chose the invitations and the guests. Her big sisters will help with games and Queen Mommy is going to attempt a Butterfly Cake. Wish me luck!
So, as you can see, April is a busy time.

I'd like to go back to Hawaii and sit on the beach.